Thursday, June 7, 2007

constant pressure

I got a windfall of $1,700. I often fantasize about how I would spend a windfall of $1000., or 5,000., or 10 or 20...Just as often, un-windfalls happen, so I'm not excited. I paid off some debt with $7oo, then put the other thou in my emergency savings, to make the first $1000. But any day now, I'm going to be moving into my own apartment from a place I'm sharing, and I will definitely be paying at least $300. more a month. It's strange: I am really serious about saving money. I really want to be frugal, but when I search for apartments, there are certain things I won't sacrifice. For example, I don't want to live in a studio apartment. That right there is a $300. distinction. And I have lived with people for years, but I can't take their bad furnishings and messes anymore. I vant to be alone!!!

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